Arlo turned 1! -- and we didn't throw him a first birthday party.
I can hear you saying, WHAT? What is wrong with these parents?! Isn’t Jessie the self-proclaimed Martha Stewart and Pinterest Queen of throwing parties?
Let’s face it, most 1-year-olds would be delighted to play with a cardboard box and eat cheese sticks to commemorate the day they were born. Really, who are these first birthday bashes really for? It's more for the parents. A one year old baby is not going to remember the party or the amount of money it took to throw it. They have no clue what is going on or that the party is even about them. They will ultimately be overwhelmed with all the people and probably cry when everyone starts singing when the cake comes out. (A lesson learnt when we surprised my brother with a birthday cake recently, Arlo was not about it!). Frankly, a one year old is going to be crying, napping, or otherwise occupied during most of the party while mummy and daddy run around playing hosts to all the guests!
Don’t get me wrong - I am not saying there is anything wrong with throwing a first birthday party for your baby! I know us mamas want to celebrate making it through a year of parenting and all the fun party memories. I just think for us, opting out of a traditional first birthday party just made more sense.
I would rather stress myself out for parties my children actually request, want, and will remember.
Five reasons why we decided not to throw a first birthday party…
- We decided we would rather spend the money and time on something he would enjoy
- We didn’t want to do it just because that is what we are “supposed” to do
- We could spend quiet, quality time with the birthday boy
- We could save the Pinterest-worthy parties for a time when he can remember them, and maybe even join in on the planning himself
- Lastly, if we had a large party, we'd be busy running around like lunatics, our son would be busy remembering none of it because, well, he’s only one years old!
What we did instead…..
- We still celebrated our boy turning one, with his favourite people...US! He woke up to a room full of balloons and then we continued to smother him in kisses We had pancakes for breakfast (a little tradition from Jakes side of the family)
- After breakfast we headed to Wellington and went for a walk along the waterfront before having Yum Cha for lunch because Arlo’s favourite food is dumplings
- Then it was back home for cake (because even with no big party, you still need cake, I mean come on!) and boy did Arlo enjoy it!
So we didn't have the big first birthday celebration, but what we did do was provide the best gift we could give him on his birthday…stress-free parents, lots of love, and of course, CAKE! As first birthdays go it was really, really lovely just the three of us. Even if Arlo didn't really know what was going on, I think he really enjoyed his special day.
And now our sweet baby Arlo, is officially a toddler. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t find it a bit difficult to say goodbye to his baby days. It's been an emotional lead up to his first birthday, but I’m so looking forward to the next 12 months and watching him grow and develop.
What did we do with all that spare savings? We decided to put the money that we would have spent on the party towards a family holiday to Bali!!
We are so excited to explore this new place and spend some quality time together as a family. We can't wait to share our Bali adventures with you guys soon!
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